Mittwoch, 2. November 2011

[Try] Starry☆Sky ~ after Spring

I've started to translate Starry☆Sky ~ after Spring, but I'm not that far .. it's kinda troubling me, 'coz
I'm not that good at Japanese..
Well, I'll try my best!
I know it's gonna take some time ~___~
But I'll still try.. TT^TT

4 Kommentare:

  1. and also if you know site where it's free download pach plz tell

    also if you know some otome in english plz tell me thank you

  2. Did you finish to translate the game?

  3. Please post when done! It would mean the world to me if you finished your project so yours could be the first English translation of Starry Sky ~After Spring!

  4. oh~ are finished with the translation? I'm currently playing the game but I'm not that yet good at understanding Japanese so an english patch would be awesome! ^_^
